Many of us do think that security is not our problem, maybe as we don’t believe that our digital identity worth anything to the bad guys (hackers). The reality is, your digital identity does worth more than you could imagine.

The breach of your assumed worthless “digital identity” could be all the bad guys need to get to your love ones. Someone could pretend to be you to obtain sensitive information from you friends, family and relatives so as to conduct some fraudulent activities. This type of attack is known as social engineering.

Security is not your business if and only if you don’t have a digital identity – by digital identity I mean any online presence.  For example, you don’t have a social media account (Facebook, twitter, instagram etc.), you don’t have an email address. You have no bank account, your medical record cannot be accessed online. You don’t sell or buy anything online and don’t  have an internet (web) device.  This is likely impossible in this “internet of everything” economy. Even if you don’t directly have an online presence, a service you use might have all your data in their database which definitely would be accessible at-least to them online.

Even if you don’t directly have an online presence, a service you use might have all your data in their database which definitely would be accessible at-least to them online.

The notion that cyber security is not for you is not correct, rather cyber security is for you and me to make the cyber space a more secure place.

Read simple steps to stay safe online to learn how to securely manage and protect yourself online.

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